Used Appliance Store - Niche Business

Asking Price: $50,000


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  Aaron Muller
Phone: 425.766.3940

Listing Information

Address: , Snohomish County, WA,
Gross Income (last 12 months):
Value of Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment:
Cash Flow (last 12 months):
Included in Asking Price?:
Year Established:
Value of Inventory:
Number of full-time employees:
Included in Asking Price?:
Number of part-time employees:
Value of Property (if for sale also):
Included in Asking Price?:


This is a niche retail store that specializes in selling secondhand appliances. The store charges a fee for people to drop off their old appliances. If the old appliance is beyond repair, the old appliance is sent to a metal recycler where the metal recycler pays the store a fee for the metal. If the old appliance can be repaired and polished, an in-house technician fixes it up, and the store sells the used appliance again for a profit.

Facilities / Location

The store is located on a busy street in an area of Snohomish County, WA where people are more likely to buy used appliances than brand new appliances.

Competition / Market Pros & Cons

The business is not glamorous, but it is profitable.

Growth and Expansion Pros & Cons

With better management and marketing, revenues and profits could be taken to the next level.

Support / Training Available


Reason for Selling

Other business interests.

Any Financing Seller Will Provide?

Seller financing negotiable.
