Carpet Cleaning Company

Asking Price: $150,000


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  Aaron Muller
Phone: 425.766.3940

Listing Information

Address: , Bellingham, WA,
Gross Income (last 12 months):
Value of Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment:
Cash Flow (last 12 months):
Included in Asking Price?:
Year Established:
Value of Inventory:
Number of full-time employees:
Included in Asking Price?:
Number of part-time employees:
Value of Property (if for sale also):
Included in Asking Price?:


This is a profitable carpet cleaning business serving the greater Bellingham area of Washington State. The company closely works with realtors and property managers to provide prompt and detailed carpet cleaning service.

Facilities / Location

This is a home-based business.

Competition / Market Pros & Cons

Established reputation and clientele.

Growth and Expansion Pros & Cons

The owner does not do very much advertising or marketing. Most of the business has been grown through word of mouth. By implementing systematic marketing, revenues could be grown.

Support / Training Available

Training is available.

Reason for Selling

Any Financing Seller Will Provide?

Cash at closing
